Poetry workshop på Dråpe
In the world that we wake up to, walk through, and take in – what do we notice?
Whether you’re a seasoned poet or just starting out, this in-person event is an invitation to be playful with words and create. The Poetry Workshop is designed to be a space for you to receive and explore writing and creative tools.
For this workshop, we’ll explore the theme ‘Notice’: the act of observing or paying attention to something.
Workshop details:
- Bring a notebook that you would you enjoy writing in! It could be one set aside for your creative process, or any you’ve got with good space to write.
- Prompts and readings are facilitated in English, with the freedom to write in your mother tongue.
- Billett: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/poetry-workshop-tickets-1059922961109?utm_source=bypatrioten&utm_medium=kalender
- Dører åpner: 18.45
50,- betales i døra. Reserver plass via link.